Rare Film Posters



Original Italian 39 inch x 55 inch 2-Fogli Poster for the 1969 Peter Fleischmann German Drama HUNTING SCENES FROM BAVARIA (JAGDSZENEN AUS NIEDERBAYERN), based on the play by Martin Sperr and starring Martin Sperr, Angela Winkler, Else Quecke, Michael Strixner, Hanna Schygulla and Maria Stadler.

In a small village in Lower Bavaria, twenty-year-old mechanic Abram (Martin Sperr) is suspected of being homosexual. He is not the only outsider, as also present are a foreign guest worker and the maidservant Hannelore (Angela Winkler), who is defamed as a whore by the villagers. When Abram knifes Hannelore the situation escalates and the hysterical villagers try to hunt Abram down.

Poster art by Sandro Symeoni (1928 – 2007). An Italian illustrator, best known for his pictorial works dedicated to cinema poster design. After attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Ferrara, he began working as a caricaturist for some local newspapers. In the early fifties he moved to Rome where he started working as a film illustrator. In over fifty years in his career he has created more than 3000 posters collaborating with the main Italian and American film companies.

The poster is in good folded condition with a piece out of the upper left corner, 3 tape marks at the top edge and minor fold separation along the lower folds.

Availability: 1 in stock


Original Italian 39 inch x 55 inch 2-Fogli Poster