Original Russian 12 3/4 inch by 9 inch 8 Page Illustrated Export Brochure
Original Russian 12 3/4 inch by 9 inch 8 Page Illustrated Export Brochure for the 1971 Grigori Kozintsev & Iosif Shapiro Russian Drama KING LEAR (KOROL LIR), based on the play by William Shakespeare and starring Jüri Järvet, Elza Radzina, Galina Volchek, Valentina Shendrikova and Oleg Dal.
One of the most renowned film versions of King Lear is that of Russian director Grigori Kozintsev, who directed his adaptation in 1970, when he was 65 years of age, and secured an original score by Shostakovich himself.
Rugged and wind-swept, this Lear is kept in stark black and white. Estonian actor Jüri Järvet, in a seminal portrayal, plays a leather-featured, wild-haired and despair-eyed king, reminiscent in no small way of a confused and aged Klaus Kinski. The country that Lear rules is bare and cold and muddy, sometimes flat, sometimes rocky, and mostly devoid of vegetation. The population, consisting of beggars and peasants, subsists in noble misery.
The brochure is in fine condition.
Availability: 1 in stock