Original 15 3/4 inch x 23 1/2 inch Engraving titled SIGNING THE PEACE PRELIMINARIES AT ADRIANOPLE, JANUARY 31, 1878.
Characters illustrated: General Nepokajtchitsky, aide-de-camp to the Grand Duke, General Nelidow, Server Pasha, Namyk Pasha and the Grand Duke Nicholas.
Russia and Turkey signed at Adrianople on January 31, 1878, a document which combined with an armistice the ” preliminary bases for peace,” and provided for an autonomous Bulgaria, with a national Christian government and militia; the independence of Montenegro, Ronmania. and Serbia, with increases of territory; autonomy for Bosnia and Herzegovina; reforms in other Christian provinces of Turkey in Europe; an indemnity to Russia; and an understanding to secure the rights and interests of Russia in the straits.
From a sketch by Major Alexander Nasvétewitch
From The Graphic March 9, 1878
The Graphic was a British weekly illustrated newspaper, first published on 4 December 1869 by William Luson Thomas’s company Illustrated Newspapers Limited. It continued to be published weekly under this title until 23 April 1932 and then changed title to The National Graphic between 28 April and 14 July 1932; it then ceased publication, after 3,266 issues.
The engraving is in very good condition with 1 vertical centre fold.
Availability: 1 in stock