Original British 30 inch x 40 inch Quad Poster
British Posters - 1980s
Original British 30 inch x 40 inch Quad Poster for the 1987 Ermanno Olmi Drama LONG LIVE THE LADY (LUNGA VITA ALLA SIGNORA) starring Marco Esposito, Simona Brandalise, Stafania Busarello, Simone Dalla Rosa, Tarcisio Tosi and Marissa Abbate.
Olmi’s charming comedy about an old lady’s anniverasry dinner seen through the eyes o fa 16-year-old boy (Esposito) who’s a trainee waiter. Olmi watches fascinated by the militaristic preparations for the meal, the rich and powerful congregating, and the post-prandial relaxtion. Symbolism is in the air: the tottering old lady can be seen as Italy and the banquet represents the end of childhood for the boy.
The poster is in fine unfolded (rolled) condition