Rare Film Posters



12 Original U.S. 10 inch x 8 inch Stills for the 1956 Jean Renoir French Romantic pre-World War I Comedy PARIS DOES STRANGE THINGS (ELENA ET LES HOMMES) starring Ingrid Bergman, Jean Marais, Mel Ferrer, Jean Richard, Magali Noel, Pierre Bertin, Marjane, Dora Doll, Frederic Duvalles, Renaud Mary, Jacques Morel, Albert Remy and Juliette Greco.

Set amid the military maneuvers and Quatorze Juillet carnivals of turn-of-the-century France, Jean Renoir’s delirious romantic comedy stars a radiant Ingrid Bergman as a beautiful, but impoverished, Polish princess who drives men of all stations to fits of desperate love.

The stills are in fine condition.

Availability: 1 in stock

12 Original U.S. 10 inch x 8 inch Stills